Hello! Splendor in the Sticks is a website devoted to one Southern woman’s journey through her second act. For a general tour of the site, please click here to go to the “About Me” page (or click on the tab at the top of the page) – and I certainly hope you will explore more of this site! This particular page – River of Cream – is devoted to my watercolor painting.
I’m currently working on creating 100 watercolors throughout this year and am posting them by month. Click here to see my progress!

If you’d like more information, read on!
Why “River of Cream?” Great question! The name comes from something I wrote a long time ago about not realizing the many glorious, magical things occurring all around me on an everyday basis. I was too wrapped up in the drabness of my everyday life to see how wonderfully whimsical Life (with a capital “L,” you understand) actually was. So I was “living a skim milk life while standing in a river of cream.”
When I decided to devote myself to paying attention to my own life, things changed dramatically. Among those changes was my decision to pick up a paintbrush and that choice eventually became the River of Cream Studio.
I hope you see something you like – if you’d like me to create something specific for you, I’d enjoy talking with you about that – just use the “Contact” button at the top to get in touch with me! My paintings (these are all original works; nothing is a print) are surprisingly affordable. I firmly believe that we all need beautiful, fanciful things around us and I try to price my work in such a way that YOU can afford one or three of the things that call out to you while still paying me a living wage for the work that goes into creating the paintings.
I call that a “win-win”!
You can get in touch with me about any of these works – or any ideas you may have for custom pieces – through the CONTACT ME button at the top of the page.
And please use the buttons at the bottom of this page to follow Splendor on Instagram and Facebook!