Tag: roses
Roses and Balance
I never expected my “year of roses” to be quite so — interesting. The last few weeks have been hectic as my small residential university prepared to re-open in a traditional face-to-face format in this incredibly challenging time. We’ve had our first full week of classes and we know we’re in for some unique challenges…
Roses and Dog Days
Here in the Carolinas, we’re in the “dog days” of summer. While the phrase identifying the rising of Orion’s dog, Sirius, in the nighttime sky, may have originally been a harbinger of fever and catastrophe, the meaning of the phrase has morphed into a designation of the hottest days of the summer. (Then again, in…
Roses and Summer
We’re officially into summer now. Spring was completely and totally weird, due to the pandemic. Think about it – many of us spent big chunks of that entire season inside. We learned how to sew masks (or at least, knew friends who did). We saw scarcity on grocery store shelves. We got used to some…