Following the publication of the “French paradox” theory* of dealing with the very Western-world challenge of what is currently termed “work-life” balance, books devoted to the “French lifestyle” (as if there was only one style!) saturated the market. Truly, there is something out there for everyone, whether you are just starting to live on your own, raising young children, trying to re-invent yourself for your Second Act, or at some other stage of your life.
One particular book that I’ve enjoyed is Fiona Ferris’s Thirty Chic Days: Practical Inspiration for a Beautiful Life. Ferris is a Kiwi, living about as far from Paris as it’s possible to get while remaining on this planet. That hasn’t stopped her from developing a relationship with her own idealized French girl and this book is the result. (You may also really enjoy her blog, which you can reach by clicking here.) I’ve often thought about going through her book day by day, but one thing or another has always kept me from undertaking that project.
Together, we’re going to do it. For the next thirty days, I’m going to explore this book and I invite you to join me. Let’s see where we are in a month’s time!
*The “French paradox” theory marveled at the fact that the French eat rich foods like foie gras and a wide variety of full-fat cheeses, drink wine, view formal exercise with suspicion and work a 35-hour week, yet are long-lived and productive. Once you begin looking at the larger picture – which includes no snacking, small portions, meals eaten en famille, and frequent outdoors activities, the paradox seems less — well, paradoxical.
- Day 1 “Have a Paris State of Mind”
- Day 2 “Eat Real Food”
- Day 3 “Bathe Yourself in Mystique”
- Day 4 “Make Up Your Eyes”
- Day 5 “Cultivate & Guard Your Secret Garden”
- Day 6 “Be Your Own French Aunt”
- Day 7 “Honour Your Body with Chic Movement”
- Day 8 “Be Beautifully Positive”
- Day 9 “Support Your Signature Charity”
- Day 10 “Simplify Your Life for Abundance”
- Day 11 “Adopt a Low-Drama Way of Being”
- Day 12 “Curate Your Wardrobe Like It Is Your Own Bijou Boutique”
- Day 13 “Indulge in Your Femininity”
- Day 14 “Design the Life of Your Dreams”
- Day 15 “Cultivate Serenity & Calmness in Your Life”
- Day 16 “Create a Sanctuary at Home”
- Day 17 “Take Exquisite Care of Your Grooming”
- Day 18 “Little and Often”
- Day 19 “Socialise in a Relaxed Manner”
- Day 20 “Be Your Own Chef”
- Day 21 “Inspire Yourself”
- Day 22 “Build Rest & Repose Into Your Daily Routine”
- Day 23 “Be Financially Chic”
- Day 24 “Live a Life of Luxury”
- Day 25 “Collect Contentment in Petite Measures”
- Day 26 “Make Every Day Magical”
- Day 27 “Embrace Creativity & Enjoy the Benefits”
- Day 28 “Think of Your Home as if It Were a Boutique Hotel”
- Day 29 “Walk Your Errands”
- Day 30 “Immerse Yourself in Sensuous Beauty”
- Bonus Day “Take Inspired Action”