Diva Living in a Small Town
Bloom 3 – Your Space
We’re about six weeks into the “Year of Bloom,” so let’s check in. I hope you’ve set some goals of your own that focus on how you take care of yourself – I personally can’t stand “resolutions” that are dressed-up self-loathing. You know the kind I mean – “I’ll lose 30 pounds by spring!” “I’ll…
Bloom 2 – Changing Course
I’ve long been a big believer that you greatly benefit from occasionally stopping to take stock, check your internal compass, and make adjustments to your course. Keeping track of my goals and seeing where they’re leading me this year is going to be quite an adventure! Already, I’ve made the decision that I spend too…
Bloom 1 – When You’re Squirrely
As you know, I earn my daily bread teaching college students. As such, the beginning of the semester is always a bit – interesting. The start of this semester was no different. Nothing particularly dramatic, but the usual number of glitches, anxious students, and tech issues made this the sort of time that saw me…
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