Category: Diva Dispatch
Lessons from Coffee
Happy 2025, Divas! May it be a year of joy, beneficial work, and laughter for us all! In the spirit of Janus, the Roman god of beginnings, I thought I’d kick off 2025 by both looking behind me and looking forward. I kept a super-short, decidedly non-picture-perfect journal in the last year and discovered that…
Holiday Peace & Calm
(Yes, it’s possible.) Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Ōmisoka, or one of the dozens of other holidays in December, I hope it’s a happy and joyous one for you. Often, this joy comes with a good dollop of stress for the Givers of Feasts and Throwers of Revels. There seems to be something…
Leaving a Room
At one time or another, it’s happened to all of us. We are in a place that simply no longer fits us, or we’ve given a place a solid try and discovered that it was never meant for us, or the party has just bored us to tears. It’s time to go, but a little…