Tag: Compassion

  • Advent 12 – Share!

    Advent 12 – Share!

    Here we are on Day 12 of the Advent Adventure. For most everyone I know, it’s a busy time of the year that can very easily cross over into Stress Central if you don’t take care on that front. Seriously, this is the time of the year when you just HAVE to replenish your own…

  • Advent 6 – When the Hard Days Come

    Advent 6 – When the Hard Days Come

    I’ve written before about the pervasive need to be kind to yourself in stressful situations, in part to avoid behaving in a way that demands that you sheepishly apologize the following day. Well, some days are easier than others and, since the idea behind Advent Adventure is to live in the so-called Real World, I…

  • Advent 4 – Be Present

    Advent 4 – Be Present

    So much of this “Advent Adventure” comes down to that – just be present. It’s the end of the semester, which is a tumultuous time. Add in the holidays and the people crossing your path can be all sorts of half-crazed with stress, pressure, and worry. All the more reason to start with a hot cup…