Tag: fall

  • Equinox and Fall

    Equinox and Fall

    According to the calendar, today is the Autumnal Equinox, which marks the first day of fall here in the Northern Hemisphere. Incredibly sophisticated, smartypants instruments tell us that the equinox isn’t exactly “equal” in all parts of the globe, but taking the idea as it is intended, today marks an equal time of daylight and…

  • Fall Watercolor Sale!

    Fall Watercolor Sale!

    It’s been quite a while since I held an online sale or was part of a craft fair and I realized that I was holding on to too many paintings – like switching out your closet when the seasons turn, it’s time for me to send some of my watercolor children out into the world!…

  • Fall Joys

    Fall Joys

    The “dog day” heat has broken here, at least temporarily, which has given me some time to think about fall. I adore fall – I really do. I like crisp weather, the scrunching sound fallen leaves make when you walk through them, digging out heavier clothing, chrysanthemums and fall gardens, cider, pumpkins – the whole…