Yes, we have completed our official tour through Fiona Ferris’s 30 Chic Days, but she includes a “bonus day” at the end, so here’s one last post. How appropriate that this falls on New Year’s Eve as we pause at the threshold of a new year.
On this final entry, Mme. Ferris encourages us to “take inspired action.” In other words, how do we move closer to our goals, whether those are small ones (keep the entryway to the house picked up) or large ones (write a book)? She points out a Hard Truth – whatever you are doing – right now – is either carrying you closer to your dream or taking you further from it. There is no in-between.

The key, as she sees it, is to take action. Daydreaming and list-making are both fine activities, but as Virgil said, “Audentes fortuna luvat” (“Fortune favors the bold.”) In other words, when you feel inspired – DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! It might be as simple as noticing that pile of mail you need to sort through and stopping right then and there to attend to it or it might be something much larger – Mme. Ferris uses the example of her first foray into self-publishing.
Commit to yourself. You can always change your mind.
And that’s it for our 30 Days! I hope you enjoyed it – I know that I picked up some good ideas about creating a beautiful life that I intend to carry forward into 2019!
Come back soon! I do not plan to keep blogging on a daily basis, but I have a number of items to add to the RESOURCES tab, so please subscribe so you don’t miss a post!
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