December Delights – Day 31!

Tonight is the final evening of 2020, which means it’s also the final day of these “December Delights” posts. I’ve enjoyed doing these daily missives and you can always find all of them by using the search bar on the right and entering “December.” Tomorrow, I’ll conclude my “Year of Roses” posts and lay out what I hope to do with this blog in the coming year.

For now, though, let’s look at our final “December Delights” posting! I hope you have something lovely planned for final day (or evening!) of the year. It’s quiet in my house tonight and I plan to enjoy that. Working backward, my “holiday celebrating” will be tame – I have the fire pit ready to go and I plan to sit and watch the flames a bit. I’ll also write down a few habits I hope to let go of  in the coming year and then consign that list to the fire as I toast the passing of this year. 

From the bookshelf, I suggest Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s Gift from the SeaI have my grandmother’s copy, complete with her gloss in the margins of the pages. Lindbergh had more troubles to bear than any one woman should have to shoulder and this slim, wise book is a yearly go-to for me.

It goes very nicely with today’s Diva drill, which is to take 15 minutes to stretch, whether that’s a YouTube yoga session or something else. We spend a lot of our time sitting and staring at screens – get up and s-t-r-e-t-c-h, Divas! You’ll be amazed at how good it feels! And doing a head-to-toe series of gentle stretches can revitalize you in ways you probably can’t even imagine!

For our final worthy charity, I’d suggest any of a number of highly-rated animal welfare groups that do so much for so many without a voice.

Now – 2021 beckons!

See you tomorrow for the final “Year of Roses” post!





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