December Delights – Day 14!

I had the sort of day today that I hope and wish you have during the holidays. So much has changed this year and we’ve all been spinning plates and juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle along the tightrope (all without a net, of course!) to the point that we can’t even contemplate Just. Putting. It. All. Down.

And that’s what I did today. Let’s make this your “Diva drill” homework between now and Christmas. Just put it all down. ALL OF IT!

First things first, though. I added a box of stuffing to the Reverse Advent Calendar box, which is getting quite full by now.

Then I had a date with myself. To get ready for this date, I paid attention to the messages I was sending through my appearance. I fussed with make-up and went for a “daytime old Hollywood” look with a cloche hat that I quite like and don’t wear nearly as often as I should, paired with this great vintage sweater that has this luscious faux-fur collar and cuffs. Add a sturdy pair of flat boots, awesome accessories (don’t forget the sunglasses!) and I was ready to go!

Go where, you ask? Why, to a place near and dear to my personal “hidden garden.” I had a tea party for one featuring perfectly-brewed tea (two varieties, actually), along with mini pumpkin scones and cinnamon butter – just me. I relaxed in a beautifully-decorated parlor and hand-wrote a few notes and generally got my head together. (I’ve posted before about the delights of writing and receiving actual notes in the mail – try it!) All too often, we’re hesitant to enjoy our own company – I really recommend you try this. Also – it’s my experience that you get AMAZING service when you confidently go out alone. 

When I left my quiet oasis of calm, I wasn’t done with me just yet. I spent time at one of the crown jewels of any decent town – be that “town” the city or the sticks – the public library. (Seriously – libraries are awesome and deserve your support. Click here for just a few of the things they do!)  I found a quiet desk, wrote a few more notes and took my own time browsing the shelves. When I left, I walked my errands, getting in a little gentle exercise and dropping my notes in the mail. (It may well be my imagination running wild, but I like to think that people enjoyed seeing my “old Hollywood” look strolling around town, too!)

From the bookshelf today, I’m picking one of my library finds. Nothing says the holidays like a solid English murder mystery and I plan to curl up with an Agatha Christie collection – The Harlequin Tea Set – which features Poirot and Harley Quinn (yes, Dame Agatha got there first), who was actually Christie’s favorite. 

Holiday prep? Well, in addition to getting my own head straight, I wrote cards to some far-flung friends. 

Take time for yourself. It’s good to create the magic for others, but give yourself some time to ponder the magic, too.

See you tomorrow!









One response to “December Delights – Day 14!”

  1. Allison Gahrmann Avatar

    Oh, Diva Dale ~

    You must read the English Garden Mystery Series by Anthony Eglin! We have hardbacks of his books here at the White Rose Manor for our guests to read. Naturally, roses and gardens are intertwined within the mysteries. They are not too suspenseful making them a relaxing read.

    Wonderfully yours,

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