Back when I was working my way through Mme. Ferrs’s 30 Chic Days, (remember that you can access all the “30 Days” posts through the resources tab here on Splendor), I ran across her suggestion of “little and often.” That was on my mind quite a bit as I participated in this spring’s #the100dayproject. Both of these projects share a core concept; namely, that doing something small, but doing it often, is an excellent way to make the activity part of your everyday life and make progress towards mastering it at the same time.
A “win-win,” for sure!

This was the first time I’d ever participated in #the100dayproject and I’ve been crazy-happy with the results. I chose to challenge myself to produce a watercolor painting a day and, over the course of the hundred days, I saw my skill levels increase, I developed a willingness to take on projects that I genuinely thought were beyond me (to be honest, a few were, but that’s part of learning!), and I took the necessary steps to really put myself out in the public eye by both entering my work in a juried show and by setting up River of Cream Studio here on Splendor where buyers can view my work and contact me about completed and commissioned pieces. (Just click the link!)
During my recent vacation to the wilds of Utah when I spent time with dear friends in a truly restorative setting, I painted, I hiked, I ate well, I attended formal meditation classes – it was incredible! Upon my return home, I started thinking – how can I apply “little and often” to other aspects of my life? There are many areas I’d like to develop – better eating habits, consistent exercise, spending time creating a saner headspace, and so on. Could the principles I’d used to admit that I’m an artist apply to those areas as well?
Beginning yesterday, I decided to find out.
I’m using a simplified version of bullet journaling to keep track of a number of small goals over the next two weeks. At that time, I’ll adjust the goals and continue. In this way, I hope to continue carving out time to paint, to regularly meditate, to exercise (even with the challenges posed by the humidity and blazing heat of the Carolina summer!), to eat better, to practice learning French, and so on.
Will I reach all my goals at the same time? Doubtful at best. But that doesn’t matter.
Little and often.
Little and often.
Little and often.
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